Do not drink milk!

Drinking milk is good for the body. However, there are many situations when drinking milk is not right. Despite being rich in many nutrients, some things should be kept in mind in the case of milk.

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Milk provides many nutrients including calcium. It is also a good source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. This is the reason that 'Drink Milk' advice is available from all ages.

But in some special circumstances it is beneficial not to drink milk. Lactose Integration is not a kind of Lactose Integration

Disorder, which has a direct effect on digestion. In this, digestion of lactose is not done properly in the body. Lactose is the main carbohydrate found in dairy products. In the event of lactose intensity, problems of diarrhea, flatulence etc. start by consuming milk or milk products.

Vitamin C and milk

Foods rich in vitamin C, such as lemon and orange, are consumed with milk.

According to the information, the pH of milk and fruits is never found to be equal. If the data is increased, the amount of acidity in the item of risk increases. Thus, the pH of orange is 3 to 5, the milk is 6.5 to 6.7. . Both things are acidic to say, but due to the different pH, these two are not taken together.

Actually, with lactose intake

Enzyme enzyme called linctus in the body is sufficient

Can not be made in quantity, whereas this enzyme is needed for digestion of lactose. Lactose increases in the body by consuming milk, but it is not digested. It is also called allergy to milk. If the problem becomes serious, on the advice of the doctor, milk products such as curd and cheese can be taken. Researches have found that about 65 percent of the people in the world have lactose intolerance. It is important that after drinking milk, if there is any problem in the stomach, then please consult the doctor.

can go.

They also provide milk nutritional soy milk • Coconut Milk



Soy cheese


Hyper calcemia

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a disease associated with the large intestine, in which drinking milk can be fatal. This is a disease in which the digestive system becomes weak, sometimes blood comes in diarrhea. Its patients are often tired. In this disease, doctors refuse to drink milk. Other products made from milk also increase this physical problem. In this also, the patient does not digest lactose and may cause many stomach problems. Do not drink milk on an empty stomach

Hyper calcemia is a disease in which the amount of calcium in the blood is increased. Increasing too much calcium increases constipation. The body suffers from problems in consuming iron and zinc. Kidney problems may also occur. Do not drink milk even in this situation

Is recommended. Children diarrhea Diarrhea occurs in young children. Vomiting or other problems occur at this time. In such a situation, children should not be given milk. by this

Many people have the habit of drinking milk first thing in the morning. It is believed that in this way the body gets a lot of nutrition at the beginning of the day. However, drinking milk on an empty stomach can worsen the digestive system. Which has an impact on the nutrients consumed throughout the day. However, this does not happen to everyone. As far as possible, drink milk after breakfast in the morning.

Digestion and health may worsen. Heart disease Drinking milk is also recommended in heart diseases. In case of heart diseases, fat and lubrication make the condition serious

Therefore, heart patients should avoid full cream milk. Based on a conversation with Dietician Nirupama Singh of Sanjay Gandhi PG College Institute of Medical Sciences

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