Towards improvement

As natural as it is to change education policy over time towards reform, the more

Also necessary. After 34 years, the arrival of new education policy was almost certain, its discussion was going on for a decade, but it is not easy to decide a policy with the approval of everyone. The biggest aspect of the policy changes that are taking place now is that this will strengthen both the quality and utility of education. School

At the level itself, students will be connected with some work skills. This means, when the child comes out of school, he will have a skill that he can use in the future life. This will also make education a commercial force. There will be crores of parents who will be happy that their child will not only study in school, but will also learn some work. Finalization of new education policy

Dr. Kasturirangan, who is heading the committee made for the right, has said that the new education policy will not create unemployment.

Another major initiative was to divide school education into different phases.

has given. The most advantage here will be on the foundation stage. There were a large number of those children in India

Who are directly enrolled in the first grade. In government schools

The need for nursery or pre-school or pre-school education was not considered. Pre-school education in the private sector in the last three decades

There has been a lot of development, due to which the attraction of government schools is also

New education policy succeeded on the ground

All the education ministers of the country in the direction of realizing

Responsibility is greatly reduced. Most private schools have increased directly.

Do not admit any child in the first grade, but now all schools in the country have pre-school education

Will have to be respected. It is necessary for the level of knowledge and uniformity of studies of children. It is a testament to how the private sector in education affects and promotes government education. Pre-school

The use of Anganwadi system is appropriate. This time can be effective towards bringing uniformity in basic studies. Now pre

The new syllabus will be made for three years of school and the initial two years of normal school, for a total of five years. It is for the government to decide that this five-year curriculum should be implemented in all schools of the country so that there is equal educational development of children. If the new education policy is to be taken to a higher level, then efforts will have to be made for the quality of education at the basic level i.e. the foundation stage. 10 + 2 and MPhil's farewell. Broadly, attention will be paid to activity based education. Science, mathematics, arts etc. will be taught to children through experiments. The studies from class six will start to be subject based and skill development courses will also start from class six. Classes nine to 12 will be studied in two phases, in which intensive study of subjects will be done. There will also be freedom to choose the subject. The assessment of examination and performance is also going to change, on this front, the Union Ministry of Education and the Education Ministers of the States will have to work more carefully. The stress of the board examination should be reduced, but the quality of studies should not decrease. To realize the new policy

Quality of teachers and education management will also have to be improved.

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