Fair land

It is seven o'clock in the morning. The power shortage forced him out of the house, into the mud. Countless Banarasi mutters muttered, then sang vocally. Never abuse in private and then enjoy yourself. Earlier, people used to meet abusive people in the air. Then it was the time of leisure. Even listeners would get it. Well, when sitting outside in the pallet, looking at the daylight, we reached the sunrise in the evening. Suddenly remembered, our test of beauty too

How much has the effect of the fair-skinned fairy-making cream changed on screen? Otherwise the shade of Saanli-Saloni is a celebration. We have also called nature dark. Seeing this sunshine rain was explained

Chakallas is actually Kajri with Dhanropani, Sawan

Of our Aiya (grandmother), of nature.

'Outside the exit, evening is the land.' The cold breeze wandered into the puddle. Dripping out

The drops began to fall with the voice. Will come! Mind started running, unbridled, belaus. In the paddy field, a flock of old, Mugdha and virgins tie a dhoti of dhoti, nihure-nhure paddy is planting and there is plenty of chakals. Chakallas with Ropani is actually a celebration. Of Kajari. Of the month of Sawan. Of disconnection, hope of union. Nature plays. Literature is full of this spring.

From playful facebook wall

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