Some areas of India are now in a position that anyone can have a corona. At least it seems to be from the history that the patient is giving. Like Europe, many serious patients in India are having minor stomach problems rather than fever, cold etc. Then positive is coming in the investigation. In India, the investigation rate seems to be alright. Results are also getting relatively soon. Irregularities may also occur at some places. Even after getting the ventilator, it is still relatively difficult to come back from there. Many people are recovering on their own, and everyone is eyeing India's 'Survival of the United States and America's Fittest'. The weak are dying. If the case stops there, then the accusations on the doctors, hospital and system are increasing, probably due to Corona. Cases are of all ages, not the second peak. Serious case fifty
Over sixty are visible. The vaccine will come and the corona epidemic will also occur, but by then enough damage will have been done. Save yourself in this 'window period'. Lung weakening things, like cigarette reduction or quit. Eat healthy
Europe is warning of a 'second peak'. Singh is etc. are starting to appear again. The eyes of the world are set on India and the United States that if the cases are stopped there, then maybe the second peak of Corona will not come.
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