Remembering boat
There is no dearth of illiterate-blind devotees of Namwar Singh on social media. They believe that everyone can be criticized, not Namvar Singh. Namwar Singh was strongly irritated by such blind devotees. For the blind devotees, here is giving a beautiful quote of Namvar Singh, perhaps some wisdom was read by him. Namwar Singh has written,
'Criticism is ruthless, she does not say she saw her face. Till this work will not be done, no text should remain as a mound of the dead. ' It is necessary, he says, to break the pseudo-etiquette and bourgeois rites and bring out differences of opinion. This is very important for the development of Hindi criticism. Otherwise, pseudo-consensus about all literary works will be very dangerous. I am seeing a consensus about compositions very early today ...
The composition cannot come openly. Namvar Singh from criticism-less environment
Used to hate hard. Quick on creations
He wrote, 'Nowadays bitter
Criticisms are rarely heard. we people
The consensus that is formed
That intellectual laziness
Are becoming so civilized that some people were called neglect.
Want to kill you
To crave for criticism, it is important to criticize
There are dangers, which meanwhile are born of intellectual laziness.
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